- Agreeing that all Christians are called to serve God and out neighbors, and that Confirmed Catholics are set on mission with a strengthened and renewed call to service, we enter into this covenant committed to serve as guided by St. Ann Confirmation expectations.
- Understanding that parents are the first teachers and primary witnesses of the Faith, at least one parent commits to participation in the Confirmation Parent Class at St. Ann.
- Focusing on the sacrament and community are vital and we commit ourselves to fully participating in the St. Ann Confirmation Retreat.
- Committing to complete all requirements needed to become a Candidate for Confirmation as recommended by the catechists and church.
- Presenting ourselves before the St. Ann Community to be prayed over and enrolled as candidates for Confirmation reflects the reverence and respect that we have for the sacrament, and we commit ourselves to attending the Rite of Enrollment for St. Ann Confirmation Candidates.
- Agreeing that regular participation in Mass is necessary for Catholics; parents commit to provide for their young adult to participate in weekly Sunday Mass.
- Believing that being in a State of Grace when receiving sacraments opens us more fully to the grace of each sacrament, we agree that our candidate will receive Reconciliation in the month prior to Confirmation.
- Continuing to open ourselves to grace, we further agree to celebrate Reconciliation at least once in Advent and again in Lent.