Through the AA Solutions group, Saint Ann hosts regular AA meetings. The AA Solutions group helps those throughout the community and at St. Ann suffering with this disease an opportunity to start a new way of life. Meetings are held every Monday at 7pm, Tuesday at 6pm, Wednesday at 6pm, Thursday at 6pm, Friday at 7pm, Saturday (Women ONLY at 11am) and 7pm, and Sunday at 6pm in the Ministry House.
For more information, contact Sam Wyvill at 901.373.1541.
For more information, contact Sam Wyvill at 901.373.1541.
Adoration / Divine mercy cenacle
Adoration is adoring or honoring the Eucharistic Presence of Christ. In a deeper sense, it involves "the contemplation of the Mystery of Christ truly present before us". During Eucharistic Adoration, we "watch and wait," we remain "silent" in His Presence and open ourselves to His Graces which flow from the Eucharist.
For more information, contact Jay Hastings at 901.438.7772.
For more information, contact Jay Hastings at 901.438.7772.
Al-Anon helps when someone's problem with alcohol affects you.
For more information, contact the Parish Office.
For more information, contact the Parish Office.
altar servers
The Altar Server ministry is open to boys and girls who are in 3rd grade or above, are baptized in the Catholic Church and have received First Eucharist. Altar servers must actively practice the Catholic Faith and should receive Communion regularly.
For more information contact the Parish Office at 901.373.6011 or click here
For more information contact the Parish Office at 901.373.6011 or click here
Alzheimer Support Group
The Alzheimer's Support Group of St. Ann is affiliated with the Alzheimer’s Association Mid-South Chapter, the only Support Group in Bartlett affiliated with the Association. Meetings are held the second Saturday of each month from 10:30am-12 noon in the Family Life Center. Guest Speakers are invited based on the group’s interest and request. The St. Ann's Alzheimer's Support Group is an outreach program of the Health Ministries Network of the Mid-South.
For more information, contact Peggy Wyvill at 901.373.1541 or Janet Hart at 901.388.9768.
For more information, contact Peggy Wyvill at 901.373.1541 or Janet Hart at 901.388.9768.
Boy Scouts
Boy Scouts learn to strengthen values, promote citizenship and enhance mental and physical fitness. Boy Scouts earn badges, plan, participate and attend camp outings, jamborees and sponsor service projects. Tiger Cubs are for boys ages 6 and 7 who are in the 1st grade. Cub Scouts is for boys 7 to 10 years of age. Boy Scouts is for boys 11 to 18 years of age.
For more information, contact Jesse Tovar at 901.679.4741.
For more information, contact Jesse Tovar at 901.679.4741.
columbian squires
Columbian Squires is an organization for young men ages 10 to 18 forging their way to become Knights. The Squire program involves the Church, the community, and recreational and social activities. Leadership and social meetings are held monthly in McGivney Hall.
For more information, contact Gary Tircuit at 901.412.1954.
For more information, contact Gary Tircuit at 901.412.1954.
extraordinary ministers
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion aid in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass on Sundays, weekdays, and Holy Days, and to the sick and home bound. Training sessions are held throughout the year for new ministers and for those who have moved from another parish and would like to continue their service here.
For more information contact Katie Dyer at 901.373.6011 or [email protected]
For more information contact Katie Dyer at 901.373.6011 or [email protected]
finance council
Members of the Finance Council advise the Pastor regarding the financial implications of policy decisions and helps establish financial stability for the parish.
For more information, contact Fr. Jacek Kowal at 901.373.6011 or [email protected]
For more information, contact Fr. Jacek Kowal at 901.373.6011 or [email protected]
fishers of men
Fishers of Men focus on giving men a place to belong, to connect with other men, to make friends while being educated, inspired, engaged in wanting to hear, learn, and do more spiritually. Our first priority is making relationships. We strive to make sure all men, especially newcomers connect with at least one person on their first visit.
For more information, contact Bryan Watson at 901.596.3496.
For more information, contact Bryan Watson at 901.596.3496.
god's healing hands
God's Healing Hands is a knitting group that meets weekly for prayer, fellowship, and knitting.
For more information, contact Sue Seifert at 901.380.9026.
For more information, contact Sue Seifert at 901.380.9026.
health ministry
The Parish Health Ministry is made up of volunteers interested in promoting a healthy life-style among parishioners and an understanding of the relationship among lifestyle, faith and well being. Among many activities are monthly blood pressure screenings, an annual health fair, and periodic blood drives.
For more information, contact Dottie Bolden at 901.482.0006.
For more information, contact Dottie Bolden at 901.482.0006.
journey to hope - Bereavement
Journey to Hope Bereavement ministry is to be a source of love, care and support to those who grieve a loss through death. The ministry strives to reach out to those who experience loss, so they will feel the healing comfort of God through this faith community.
For more information, contact Janet Hart at 901.388.9768.
For more information, contact Janet Hart at 901.388.9768.
knights of columbus
Knights of Columbus Council 7170 The Knights was formed to render financial aid to members and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled and needy members and their families. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief and public relief works.
For more information contact Joe Lopez at 571.265.6610.
For more information contact Joe Lopez at 571.265.6610.
ladies bible study
Ladies Bible Study meets Thursdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am in Trinity Hall. Women of all ages are invited to attend this open discussion of the Bible.
For more information contact Lucy Kleiser at 901.388.4029.
For more information contact Lucy Kleiser at 901.388.4029.
ladies bowling league
Ladies Bowling League offers fun and exercise to ladies of all ages. Bowling expertise is not required. The teams compete for fun and prizes. Bowling is at Andy B's Lanes in Bartlett on Tuesday mornings during the school calendar year.
For more information, contact Sally Fillion at 901.497.6424.
For more information, contact Sally Fillion at 901.497.6424.
Lectors have the distinct honor of proclaiming the Word of God at mass. Training sessions for new lectors, or for lectors transferring from another parish, are held throughout the year. Lectors also serve at Holy Day masses and special celebrations of the Liturgy of the Word and at the Liturgy of the Hours.
For more information contact Katie Dyer at 901.373.6011 or [email protected]
For more information contact Katie Dyer at 901.373.6011 or [email protected]
Ministry to the sick
Members of the Saint Ann Ministers to the Sick team regularly visit with, pray with, and administer the Holy Eucharist to their fellow parishioners in three situations:
Each minister selects the situation(s) in which he/she wishes to serve. Ministers are never expected to serve in situations where they would be uncomfortable.
For more information, contact the Parish Office at 901.373.6011.
- Ministry to hospitalized parishioners
- Ministry to homebound parishioners
- Ministry to residents of assisted living facilities/nursing homes
Each minister selects the situation(s) in which he/she wishes to serve. Ministers are never expected to serve in situations where they would be uncomfortable.
For more information, contact the Parish Office at 901.373.6011.
music / choir
Under the direction and guidance of Ryan Cooper, Saint Ann Parish offers many opportunities for the musically gifted and talented parishioners. All are welcome to join the music and worship activities that we offer.
For more information, click here or contact the Parish Office at 901.373.6011.
For more information, click here or contact the Parish Office at 901.373.6011.
Order of Christian initiation of adults (Ocia) (formerly RCIA)
Are you...
For more information, contact the Parish Office at 901.373.6011.
*Per the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) and the Rite of Christian Initiation for Children (RCIC) have been changed to the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) and the Order of Christian Initiation for Children (OCIC).
- Interested in becoming Catholic?
- Married to a Catholic and want your entire family to worship together?
- Baptized, but never received Reconciliation, Communion, or Confirmation?
For more information, contact the Parish Office at 901.373.6011.
*Per the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) and the Rite of Christian Initiation for Children (RCIC) have been changed to the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) and the Order of Christian Initiation for Children (OCIC).
parish religious education (pre)
At Saint Ann PRE, our mission is journeying with students as they encounter Christ, and thereby empowering discipleship. Our PRE Ministry serves children, and their families, from Preschool through Confirmation. We meet most Sunday mornings during the school year in our Saint Ann School building.
For more information, contact Brittany Martinez at [email protected].
For more information, contact Brittany Martinez at [email protected].
pastoral council
Our parish needs Christian leadership to help make decisions about our pastoral life and spiritual growth. Members of the Pastoral Council enable us to develop our mission to live and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ according to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church by divine worship and prayer, teaching and preaching the Word of God, communal witness to the gospel, and charity and service to all.
For more information, contact the Parish Office at 901.373.6011.
For more information, contact the Parish Office at 901.373.6011.
Families are messy... You are not meant to do it alone.
On the second Friday* of each month, come eat, play and grow with other parents and kids at our Pizza & Parenting nights.
Families will gather in McGivney Hall for pizza. Dinner is followed by breakout sessions for parents, childcare for 6 month to 5 year-olds, and activities for ages 6 and up. Sign up for each month at the link above.
On the second Friday* of each month, come eat, play and grow with other parents and kids at our Pizza & Parenting nights.
Families will gather in McGivney Hall for pizza. Dinner is followed by breakout sessions for parents, childcare for 6 month to 5 year-olds, and activities for ages 6 and up. Sign up for each month at the link above.
prayer link
The Prayer Link Group offers continuous prayer through the coordinated efforts of its members.
For more information, contact Emma Conroy at 901.388.1378.
For more information, contact Emma Conroy at 901.388.1378.
queen of peace
The Queen of Peace ministry responds to the Virgin Mary's request for Cenacle Prayer. Activities include praying 15 decades of the the Rosary for all children and all priests, as well as religious, and special intentions. They also offer monthly consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This group meets every Tuesday evening in the St. Joachim chapel.
For more information, contact Pat Meade at 901.386.1618.
For more information, contact Pat Meade at 901.386.1618.
Right to life
Right to Life works to protect life at all stages. They are a visible presence praying in front of Planned Parenthood. One of their main activities is participating in and promoting 40 Days for Life.
For more information, contact Susan Swearingen at 901.377.6803.
For more information, contact Susan Swearingen at 901.377.6803.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Please see Order of Christian Initiation for Adults above.
Room in the Inn
Room in the Inn-Memphis is an ecumenical ministry that serves people experiencing homelessness. Now beginning its sixth year in Memphis, the program provides emergency shelter and meals during the coldest months of the year—November through March. It is modeled after the incredibly successful Room in the Inn program that started in Nashville 30 years ago.
Our goal is to share the love of God through hospitality. Shelter is a basic necessity that more than 2,000 people in Memphis are living without each night. Faith communities have warm buildings and people who can provide this necessity along with much needed meals and a good helping of kindness and respect. St. Ann is hosting Room In the Inn at the St. Vincent de Paul Ozanam Center Downtown, once a month.
For more information, contact Jeffrey Bedwell at 901.212.5056 or firewallpwr@comcast.net.
Our goal is to share the love of God through hospitality. Shelter is a basic necessity that more than 2,000 people in Memphis are living without each night. Faith communities have warm buildings and people who can provide this necessity along with much needed meals and a good helping of kindness and respect. St. Ann is hosting Room In the Inn at the St. Vincent de Paul Ozanam Center Downtown, once a month.
For more information, contact Jeffrey Bedwell at 901.212.5056 or firewallpwr@comcast.net.
The Sacristan is responsible for making sure that all is in order before a liturgy, and that all is back in place following the liturgy. Responsibilities include preparing the sacramental wine and hosts, making sure that the vestments are in order, and putting out the goblets, patens, and purificators before mass. Sacristans are also needed for funerals and other liturgies that are celebrated throughout the year. Training is provided periodically and can be provided on a one-to-one basis.
For more information contact the Parish Office at 901.373.6011.
For more information contact the Parish Office at 901.373.6011.
Special athletes fun day
The St. Ann Special Athletes Fun Day is for special athletes from every school and church throughout the Memphis area. This event began in 1991 and is now decades strong, with former associate pastor Fr. Eric Peterson originally organizing a small group of parishioners to minister to the citizens of our community with physical or mental disabilities. Typically, more than 100 special athletes compete in various track & field events including wheelchair events, Frisbee throw, soccer kick, softball throw, 25 meter race, as well as a dance party and cookout for lunch.
For more information, contact Amy Burgess at 901.832.8900.
For more information, contact Amy Burgess at 901.832.8900.
St. Meinrad Hospitality Ministry
St. Meinrad Hospitality Ministry extends the "Welcoming" tradition of Saint Ann as they greet and welcome parishioners and guests at the weekend Masses and special events held on our parish campus. By personally staffing the Welcome and Information Desk in the Narthex, this ministry provides information and assistance to parishioners and guests. This group meets regularly to discuss "welcoming" ideas and upcoming events. This ministry is open to anyone who would like to make a difference by providing a warm and friendly environment to our parish family.
For more information contact the Parish Office at 901.373.6011
For more information contact the Parish Office at 901.373.6011
twilight golf league
Twilight Golf League is open to anyone interested in playing a friendly round of golf in a league environment from late spring through the summer. The league also sponsors social get-togethers and fund raising golf scrambles.
For more information, contact Jim Cali at 901.240.5157.
For more information, contact Jim Cali at 901.240.5157.
Ushers are responsible for caring for the assembly during mass. This ranges from welcoming people as they arrive for mass, to distributing bulletins. The Ushers are also responsible for taking up the collections and helping people find a seat. All are invited to take part in this ministry, especially couples or organizations. Training is provided.
For more information contact Katie Dyer at 901.373.6011 or [email protected]
For more information contact Katie Dyer at 901.373.6011 or [email protected]
welcome new parishioners
The Welcome New Parishioners ministry is centered in parish hospitality. Members call new parishioners, welcoming them into the parish, and checking to see if they are comfortable in the parish, or have any questions.
For more information contact Peggy Wyvill at 901.373.1541.
For more information contact Peggy Wyvill at 901.373.1541.
women's ministry
Longing for connection to live a Christian life? Connection to God and to other women? St. Ann Women's Ministry invites all women to walk this Faith journey together and build relationships that matter! We seek to grow in our relationship with Christ, His Church and one another.
Click Women's Ministry for more information on our current study.
For more information contact Kathy Schober at [email protected]
Click Women's Ministry for more information on our current study.
For more information contact Kathy Schober at [email protected]
youth ministry
The youth of today are the parish leaders of tomorrow! If anyone is going to change the world, it’s the next generation. Our ministry is for 9th-12th graders, and designed to give them a place to encounter God, serve others, & have fun!
For more information, contact the Brittany Martinez at [email protected]
For more information, contact the Brittany Martinez at [email protected]